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Welcome to Fort Cody!
Nebraska's Favorite Family Fun Stop!
Since 1963

Fort Cody Trading Post has been a landmark on the Nebraska prairie since 1963! Visitors that came as children are now bringing their own kids or grand kids to savor that sweet touch of 'Roadside Americana' that is so quickly disappearing in the U.S.A. A stop at Fort Cody is to many a step back into a more simple and gentle time. To others, it is a brand new adventure to explore and enjoy!
Be sure to take time to view Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Miniature, with its 20,000 hand-carved figures. It is one of the largest single folk art displays in the country! See our Old West Exhibit, filled with authentic pieces of historic cowboy gear and Buffalo Bill memorabilia! Kids will enjoy exploring the stockade out back, complete with jail, wagons, a log cabin, and our Muffler Man, one of only a hundred left in the United States! Our stockade is also home to the Fort Cody Summer Music Series on Thursday nights! All of this, plus a wonderful gift shop stocked with jewelry, books, t-shirts, toys, and so much more!